
50 years of outsider art and music

michael mcgee el presidente

visual arts aural arts

Fifty years of multi media art and music began in the strange confines of Mormon Utah. From these pages you can access thousands of paintings, songs, and video works spaning those many decades. 

From early art showings in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Mr. McGee gained a reputation for immediate and striking works on a variety of found surfaces gathered from various heaps of garbage. 

Fyrce Muons have over 175 unique albums of psychedelic space punk released over the last 45 years and continue to reexamine their direction and motive. 

McGee has designed a number of state of the art multi-media studios, as well as being a consultant and field developer for direct to disk recording.  He is an Emmy winning sound designer best known for work on Super Mario, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Inspector Gadget, Zacktales, and the infamous King Koopa during which he did the worlds first remote digital sound  support from his studio hard drive system.

He is the designer or co founder of multiple video games including Super Mario, Koopas Troopas, Go Go Mongo, Caveman, and Manifold.

Cynykyl Art now enters it's fifth decade of service and is based at this time in San Diego Americas's Finest City, in the great state of California. Land of about as much freedom as you can have in this country. 

if you write it shall be noted cynykyl@yahoo.com
